Monday, October 27, 2008

depraved Adjective morally bad; corrupt [Latin depravare to distort, corrupt]

de·praved·ly (-prvd-l, -prvdl) adv.

- depraved Adjective morally bad; corrupt [Latin depravare to distort, corrupt]

- de·praved (d-prvd) adj. Morally corrupt; perverted.

Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Adj. 1. depraved - deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good; "depraved criminals"; "a perverted sense of loyalty"; "the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat"
reprobate, perverse, perverted
corrupt - lacking in integrity; "humanity they knew to be corrupt...from the day of Adam's creation"; "a corrupt and incompetent city government"

adjective corrupt, abandoned, perverted, evil, vicious, degraded, vile, degenerate, immoral, wicked, shameless, sinful, lewd, debased, profligate, debauched, lascivious, dissolute, licentious, pervy (slang) << OPPOSITE moral

More murdered in Chicago than lost in Iraq, Barack Obama's Chicago Illinois War Zone

Sept. 2008 Poll - Barack Obama's Chicago is America's # 1 stressed City
( Source: Talk radio host Kevin James, AM 870 KRLA, Sept. 2008 )

More people were murdered in Democrat Barack Obama's Chicago
than U.S troops lost in Iraq between Memorial day and Labor
Day 2008

( Source: Talk Radio host Laura Ingraham,AM 870 KRLA Sept. 2008 )

Sent: 10/25/2008 7:37:10 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Chicago's s War zone
> Body count:
> In the last six months:
> 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago;
> 221 killed in Iraq.
> Chicago.... Who Runs it:
> Senators: Barack Obama & Dick Durbin
> Rep: Jesse Jackson Jr.,
> Illinois Gov: Rod Blogojevich,
> Illinois House leader Mike Madigan,
> Illinois Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike),
> Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of Mayor Richard J.
> Daley)
> .....our leadership in Illinois.....all Democrats.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Barack Obama's association/ alliance with William Ayers , past Domestic terrorist

According to Rush Limbaugh 10/18/08,
Barack Obama's associated alliance
Willam Ayers ( past Domestic terrorist
of the Weather underground ) was in Venezuela
having an education summit with
Hugo Chavez several years ago ( 2-3 yrs ago ).

Note : Hugo Chavez, communist, took control
of that country recently.

When Sarah Palin and John McCain brought up
Barack Obama's alliance and friendship with
past Weather underground domestic terrorist
Willaim Ayers on Sat. Oct 4 -5 , 2008 and
Oct. 11, 2008 , Barack Obama responded
not with explanation , but " They are doing
that because John McCain wants to distract
from the issues most important to the
American people..."

As Rush Limbaugh said ," He( Barack Obama )
worked hand in hand with a terrorist. Look
inside of yourseves. Do you want this man for
your president ? "

The reports show that Willaim Ayers and crowd
got off in the trial because of an FBI
surveillance snafu the court ruled improper.
( See s article
'Obama visted 60s , 70s radicals.The record
shows The Ayers held a fundraiser
at their house for Barack Obama during his
Illinois Senate race, and that there is much
more than taht involved in their allaince and
association with regard to community

Wicked Deviant Barack Obama Plays The Race Card When NO ONE Says Anything About Race

Wicked Deviant Barack Obama Plays The Race Card When NO ONE Says Anything About Race, AND THE THIEF BARACK OBAMA TRYING TO BUY YOUR VOTE WITH ANOTHER LIE to steal from your paycheck -

v37th&OStreet was way out in front on this issue:

From July 31st's Washington Post:

By Juliet Eilperin and Jonathan Weisman
Raising a politically-explosive issue for the first time this election, Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) campaign accused Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) this morning of invoking the specter of race in order to bolster his electoral prospects.

The charge came in reaction to comments the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee had made at three separate stops in Missouri Wednesday, where Obama suggested Republicans were trying to scare voters away from him.

"So nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face, so what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," he told voters in Springfield. "You know, he's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other Presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He's risky. That's essentially the argument they're making."

McCain campaign manager Rick Davis countered this morning with a terse but harsh statement: "Barack Obama has played the race card, and he played it from the bottom of the deck. It's divisive, negative, shameful and wrong."

Posted by: 37th&OStreet | July 31, 2008 9:46 PM

Barack Obama Tries To Buy Your Vote Offering $ 1,000.00 from taxpayers money TO ALL

Posted by: Anonymous | August 4, 2008 8:51 PM | Report abuse

The pundits are wrong if they think Mccain has an edge on energy. I'll take the $1,000 Obama is offering. Why don't you do a poll. Which one would you prefer a $1,000. Obama is offering to help with gas prices from the profits of oil companies or wait 7-10 years for Mccain to produce oil?

Posted by: Anonymous | August 4, 2008 7:01 PM | Report abuse

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Barack Obama's visceral hatred and contempt for Ronald Reagan

Send to all

This really shows Barack Obama is truly incompetent to be President, a sickening example of the twisted nature of Barack Obama , his deep contempt for a decent , good and
wonderful man ... Ronald Reagan ...

Barack Obama's visceral hatred and contempt for Ronald Reagan is evident here , when a national poll came out in 1999 showing America's favorite President of modern times is Ronald Reagan , one of several polls...

Note : is one of Rush Limbaugh's sources on information
Note : Qoute from Barack Obama's Book below is part of article....
August 14, 2008 , Obama's Alinsky Hoodwink is Coming Home to Roost, By Kyle-Anne Shiver, American

" I'd pronounce on the need for change. Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds. Change in the Congress, compliant and corrupt. Change won't come from the top, I would say. Change will come from a mobilized grass roots. That's what I'll do, I'll organize black folks. At the grass roots. For change. "
- From Barack Obama's book, Dreams from My Father; p. 133

More indication , Barack Obama deviant Alinsky Anti-Reagan radical ........

Barack Obama's Left wing Over-The-Top Positions And Voting Record

Barack Obama's Left Wing
Radical Over-The-Top Positions
And Voting Record :

Click Link At Upper Right Corner

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Deviant and sneaky hoodwinker - Barack Obama in his own words ....

RUSH: A-ha. So in his own book read by him here, he admits the trick to making himself look unthreatening. Don't display that radical temperament that all of his friends have. He's learned the trick. Finally, he says that he was a spy behind enemy lines when he worked in corporate America here.

OBAMA: Eventually a consulting house to a multinational corporation agreed to hire me as a research assistant. Like a spy behind enemy lines, I arrived every day at my mid-Manhattan office and sat at my computer terminal.

Se full article below

Barack Obama in His Own Words

October 10, 2008

Listen To It! WMP | RealPlayer

Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only -- Join Now!


RUSH: Now, what we have done here for today's program in large part -- not a large part of it -- we've got a number of sound bites here. You know, Barack Obama has written a couple books. He also recorded the audio version of those books. We went out there, and we got the audio version of those books and we got some sound bites of Obama speaking his own book. This is his book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

OBAMA: He had grown up in Philadelphia, the son of a Baptist minister. He had resisted his father's vocation at first, joining the Marines out of college, dabbling with liquor, Islam, and Black Nationalism in the sixties.

RUSH: He's discussing there the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. He's discussing the Reverend Jeremiah Wright when he says, "He grew up in Philadelphia, son of a Baptist minister, resisted his father's vocation at first, joining Marines, dabbled with liquor, Islam, and Black Nationalism in the sixties," and he held onto the Black Nationalism, obviously, and still has it. Now, after listing a few examples of racism directed at him by whites as he was growing up, Obama says this...

OBAMA: It's just how white folks will do you. It wasn't just the cruelty involved, I was learning that black people could be mean and then some. It was a particular brand of arrogance, an obtuseness in otherwise sane people that brought forth our better laughter. It was as if whites didn't know they were being cruel in the first place or at least thought you deserving of their scorn.

RUSH: This is Barack Obama reading his book, "Dreams from My Father, A Story of Race and Inheritance." Now, here is another little clip of Obama reading his own book, referring to his reading of the book Heart of Darkness and what it taught him about why white people hate.

OBAMA: So I read the book to help me understand what it is that makes white people so afraid, their demons, the way ideas get twisted around. It helps me understand how people learn to hate.

RUSH: This is Barack Obama reading from his book, discussing white people, why they hate, how he had to learn about it. Let's do a flashback here. Let's go back to March 21st in Philadelphia. Obama's on the radio, and the host asked Obama about his Tuesday morning speech that week on race in which he referenced his own white grandmother and her prejudice. Here's his response.

OBAMA: The point I was making was not that my grandmother, uh, harbors any, uh, racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is, uh, a typical white person who if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's bred into our experiences that -- that doesn't go away and that sometimes come out in -- in the wrong way.

RUSH: Right. So he tried to rehab his grandmother, threw her back under the bus with that comment. And that was back on March 21st of this year. Another reading from his book: Dreams from My Father.

OBAMA: The emotions between the races could never be pure. Even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or our salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart.

RUSH: Now, remember, this is the great unifier. This is the man who can bring all of the peoples of the world together for a common cause, such as reducing the sea level and freezing the arctic waters again so that we have ice and we can save the planet. He's going to unify all this, and he writes these two books, and you can find lots of passages where he clearly doesn't ever expect to be unified with "the white race."


RUSH: I have three more sound bites prior to the Official Obama Criticizer Report today. From Obama reading from his book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. Now, this is a key passage. He is admitting in this passage in his book that he reads himself, to his own radicalism. He says he couldn't escape it if he tried. Here we go.

OBAMA: Black Nationalism provided that history. An unambiguous morality tale that was easily communicated and easily grasped: a steady attack on the White race, the constant recitation of black people's brutal experience in this country served as the ballast that could prevent the ideas of personal responsibility --

RUSH: Stop the tape. What is this? Ballast? He doesn't talk this way. You know, there are stories out there, he may not have written this book. There's a guy named Jack Cashill who has gone back. He can't say for sure, but he's read Ayers books. In both these books, Obama first submitted the manuscript. It took him ten months to do. The publisher rejected it. It was worthless. So he went back. They'd written him a big advance (I'm really shortening the story here) and now Jack Cashill has compared some of these passages in Obama's book to Bill Ayers, who does write very well. There's no evidence that Obama has ever written anything prior to this except a poem, and the poem was as dumb as "A River, Rock, and a Tree" that Maya Angelou did at the Slickster's inauguration back in 1993. There's no evidence that he has any kind of writing talent. We haven't seen anything he wrote at Harvard Law, or when he was at Columbia, or any tests that he's written. But if you read his books, if you listen to his audio reading of the book here, you don't hear this when Obama goes out and speaks. I would like for him to be given a test on his own book. You know how Charles Barkley once said he was misquoted in his own book? (laughs) I would like for Obama to actually be given a test on his own book. Here's the rest of this bite.

OBAMA: -- into an ocean of despair. "Yes," the nationalists would say, "Whites are responsible for your sorry state, not any inherent flaws in you."

RUSH: Of course not.

OBAMA: "In fact," the nationalists would continue, "whites are so heartless and devious that we can no longer expect anything from them."

RUSH: Well, of course.

OBAMA: "The self-loathing you feel, what keeps you drinking or thieving, is planted by them."

RUSH: Right.

OBAMA: "Rid them for your mind and find your true power liberated. Rise up, ye mighty race!" All this was painful to consider. It's painful now as it had been years ago. It contradicted the morality my mother had taught me --

RUSH: Mmm-hmm.

OBAMA: -- a morality of subtle distinctions --

RUSH: Mmm-hmm.

OBAMA: -- between individuals of goodwill and those who wished me ill --

RUSH: Mmm-hmm.

OBAMA: -- between active malice and ignorance or indifference.

RUSH: Mmm-hmm.

OBAMA: I had a personal stake in that moral framework.

RUSH: Yeah.

OBAMA: I discovered that I couldn't escape it if I tried.

RUSH: Jeremiah Wright.

OBAMA: As it turned out, though, it was questions of effectiveness and not sentiment that caused most of my quarrels with Rafiq [al-Shabazz, black nationalist].

RUSH: So he didn't disagree with it. He didn't think it was very effective, but it didn't change what he thought of Black Nationalism, which is what Reverend Wright teaches to this day, or did. It's still taught from the pulpit of Obama's church. This is another portion of Obama reading from his own book, Dreams from My Father.

OBAMA: It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned. People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

RUSH: A-ha. So in his own book read by him here, he admits the trick to making himself look unthreatening. Don't display that radical temperament that all of his friends have. He's learned the trick. Finally, he says that he was a spy behind enemy lines when he worked in corporate America here.

OBAMA: Eventually a consulting house to a multinational corporation agreed to hire me as a research assistant. Like a spy behind enemy lines, I arrived every day at my mid-Manhattan office and sat at my computer terminal.

RUSH: Barack Hussein Obama admitting to feeling a spy in the office behind enemy lines in corporate America.


Read the Background Material...

• National Review: Sen. Status Quo - Thomas Sowell

Democrat Barack Obama's corrupt and unacceptable positions and doings


Democrat Barack Obama's corrupt and unacceptable positions and doings

- Helped cause the current Sept.- Oct. 2008 finacial crisis,
Democrats alone are at fault for it.

- Friend and Alliance with past domestic weather underground
terrorist Willaim Ayers ( GOOGLE search
engine - Willaim Ayers )

- Wants drivers licenses for illegal aliens
Confirmed on fact check website -

- Is for homesexual - same sex marriage.

- Endorsed by terrorist organization HAMAS, confirmed
by McCain e-mail ad ( to be included here later, see,
and confirmed by AM 600 KOGO talk host Steve Yuhas
on Sunday, 10/12/08
P.M. - Said that when HAMAS endorsed Barack Obama
for President , The Obama campaign thanked them
for the Palestinian endorsment ( radio show
audio should be available.)

- Is for Amnesty for illegal aliens, and citizens
being forced by over-taxation to pay for them.

- Is for Universal health care , including
Universal Health care and Social Security benefits
for millions of illegal aliens at our expense
and and the expense of adequate Social Security
benefits and medical for our Senior citizens
and future retirees.

- Wants to stop the development of advanced
U.S. weapons systems, we need such weapons
systems to maintain superiority over
Russian and Chinese weapons development.
See : link to Barack Obama's
speech to liberal/leftwing special interest

- Is against building the already
Congressionally approved wall at the U.S
Mexican border which would protect
America from illegal alien invasion and
drug smuggled into U.S.

more to come ......

Barack Obama's heavy drug use .... plus : Word is - He dealt drugs


Barack Obama's heavy drug use told
in his own :
Word is - Barack Obama dealt drugs.

Proposed drug questions for the
coming Presidential debate between
John McCain and Barack Obama :

Have you ever taken drugs, and if so,
what kind, and how much ?
Have you ever dealt drugs, and if so,
how often ?

Question to B. Obama : " Why dod you refuse
to answer the question 'Have you dealt
drugs ?'

Why does Barack Obama refuse to answer
when asked if he dealt drugs ? Is he
afraid that if he answers, " No, I did
not deal drugs .... ", would those who
know he did deal drugs come out and say
he did, if they were paid to go on a TV
talk show to reveal it and take a lie
detector ?

One famous TV talk host had a
perpetrator child molestor take a
lie detector test. He failed it.

Fact: No one who has used drugs, and espescially as much as
Mr. Obama says he has; even more so, no one who has dealt
drugs is fit or qualified to be President of the United States.
Why ? Because of the example it set to young people, teens
and adults alike.

Bill Clinton said he did not inhale. No one who
smokes pot does it to "...Not Inhale...." ! Can any one
believe his claim ? Just Clinton said, " I did not have
sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsy....",
when the Starr Report Testimony IN DETAILED SPECIFICS says

Drug use among teens and adult rose exponentially during
Bill Clinton's two terms.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Send to all - Barack Obama's hatred and contempt for Ronald Reagan evident here , when in fact a national poll came out in 1999 showing America's favo

Send to all - Barack Obama's hatred and contempt for Ronald Reagan evident here , when national poll in 1999 showed Ronald Reagan America's favorite President of modern times , one of several polls...Saturday, October 11, 2008 12:10 AM

Note : is one of Rush Limbaugh's sources on information

August 14, 2008 , Obama's Alinsky Hoodwink is Coming Home to Roost, By Kyle-Anne Shiver, American

" I'd pronounce on the need for change. Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds. Change in the Congress, compliant and corrupt. Change won't come from the top, I would say. Change will come from a mobilized grass roots. That's what I'll do, I'll organize black folks. At the grass roots. For change. "
- From Barack Obama's book , Dreams from My Father; p. 133

More indication , Barack Obama deviant Alinsky Anti-Reagan radical ........

Send The Truths that will defeat Barack Obama and the liberal Democrat bias media

Updated: Send The Truths that will defeat

Barack Obama and the liberal

Democrat bias media ( the

propaganda arm of the Democrat

party )


Dear Citizen,

Send to all e-mail contacts - Pass on :
Join the National effort !

You can have a hand in exposing
and defeating to the voters the
deviant, sneaky, dodging, hide-
and-seek game player, fraud , false image
stage crafter, fake and deceiver
Barack Obamawho is trying desperately to
hide who he really is from the American
public :

He and his liberal Democrat bias
media ( the propaganda arm of the
Democrat Party ) know that if the
American people knew who he really is
they would not vote for him :

His radical policy, despicable
radical racist anti Semitic( anti- Jewish )
anti- America associations, class envy warfare
ideology, Barack Obama's visceral hate for
Ronald Reagan he's expressed in his book
' Dreams Of My Father ' ,
( See American
article - ' Obama's Alinsky Hoodwink...' ) ,
Barack Obama's outrageously deviant,
dishonest, sneaky, dishonesty to the American people, his self initiated outrageously deviant,
dishonest, sneaky, hiding, dishonesty media methods and false accusations that the liberal media enable - They are trying to help get him elected !

But you can turn this around by playing a direct part everyday, even on election day, in helping to defeat these deviant, underhanded , false accusing, Anti- American professional class - envy thieves , lairs, and
' Shysters ' to the voters - Read on .....

Time is short. Help save your country.
You can have a direct part in exposing
Barack Obama to the voters and help
them not vote for Barack Obama. Many are simply
ignorant because the liberal bias media are
intentionally trying to help Barack Obama get elected
by omitting crucial background facts that would have
McCain in a landslide victory if not for the media cover-up.

Posters ( folks who will put this on Craigs list
on the ' Volunteer ' and Politics' categories all
over the country ) needed to post this e-mail
on Craigs list in every State, mostly in battleground
state cities ( Google : Battleground states )
Steps to post on Craigslist :
1 ) Create a Craigslist account.
2 ) Simply cut and paste this e-mail into your ' compose '
space , and send to yourself so you have it saved.
3 ) Google - Craigslist Ohio , or Craigslist New Mexico,
Craigslist Florida, ( can do only one at a time )
4 ) Select a city from the list of that state.
5 ) Select a category.
6 ) Select the ' Community ' category and you will find
' Volunteer ' and ' Politics' there .
7 ) Select ' politics' or ' volunteer '
8 ) Log In.
9 ) Paste into the 'ad' space this e-mail you cut ( copied )
10 ) Enter ' Volunteer ' into the ' Title' space , then cut and paste
into the ' Title' space :
a. Send To All The Truths That Will Defeat
Barack Obama In The 2008
b. ' How The Democrats ( and Barack Obama )
Created The Financial Crisis '
c. Barack Obama's working alliance with unrepentant former
Weathermen domestic terrorist William Ayers.

Every thing needed to defeat Barack Obama in the 2008 election.

Send To All The Truths That Will Defeat
Barack Obama In The 2008

1 ) ' How The Democrats ( and Barack Obama ) Created The Financial Crisis '
2 ) Barack Obama's working alliance ( not just friendship ) with former and
unrepentant Weathermen underground domestic terrorist Willaim Ayers.
a. Sarah Palin has been talking about this on the campaign trail.( Fri , Oct. 3 - Tues. Oct. 7 )

b. It took Sarah Palin talking about this before the liberal Bias media CNN's Larry King would even do it.Why ?
Because they are doing exactly what they did in the 1992
Clinton campaign. Trying to defeat a candidate by media bias
reporting through techniques of ommission, snear, smear, a
particular candidate( s ) . A New York Times editor is documented as saying that concerning Bill Clinton when they found out about his adulterous dalinaces with Gennifer Flowers, but another editor convinced otherwise and it was suppressed in an effort to help elect Bill Clinton.

Political Dark Room Archive

Click Links:

" Loook inside yourselves. Do you want this man as your President ?
..... he is the most unqualified, dangerous person ever to run for
President least in modern times " - Rush Limbaugh , 10/2008